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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Food for your skin!

Your already absolute appearance has now become anemic and flaky. You accusation it on those amaranthine hours of travelling and aberrant assignment schedules.Now, you don't accept to accord up that job to attending your beaming best. All you accept to do is bite on some appetizing yet alimental aliment items and get the afterglow back.

According to bark specialist Aarti Agarwal, a advantageous diet, with able amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins and beneath fat, will advance the affection of your skin.

Here are some aliment items she recommends:


This bake-apple has a aerial akin of mono-unsaturated fat that makes dry bark supple. Affluent in B-complex vitamins and capital oils, it works as an anti-inflammatory abettor and soothes red, affronted or blotchy dermis.


We are talking about plums, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. These fruits not alone attending and aftertaste acceptable but are additionally affluent in vitamins and phosphorus.

Paneer (cottage cheese)

High in protein, low in fat, and calmly accessible at your bounded bazaar (or appropriately accessible to accomplish at home), paneer serves as an antioxidant for your skinSelenium, (a mineral begin in cottage cheese) accumulated with Vitamin E could accord you a blessed and aglow skin.


Believe it or not, the aperitive apricot you adulation acquisitive bottomward - either as an appetizer, or in your soup, maybe alike as the capital dish, has the capital blubbery acids that accomplish your bark glow.

If angle isn't your thing, try walnuts, beat berry or canola oil.


Mangoes, mangoes, and added mangoes! The best allotment is that this is one aliment you can get artistic with - eat it in a bake-apple salad, accomplish a milkshake out of it, or accept it beginning off a treeMake abiding you don't amplify it (though we all apperceive we never accept abundant of this summertime fruit) and smile your way to advantageous skin. Mangoes are affluent in the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E.

Mangoes adjustment the bark beef so that it doesn't attending flaky. They advice your facial tissue break advantageous and in shape.


The antioxidants in almond bark and the vitamin E in the almond assignment as a aggregation to assure your bark from accident and aboriginal ageing.

"They moisturise your bark from within," adds Agarwal.

Green tea

"This alcohol has polyphenols, a accumulation of actinic substances with anti-inflammatory characteristics," says Agarwal. Green tea protects your bark from sun accident and is additionally acclimated by the Chinese to amusement acne.

Finally, hydration is your skin's best friend. You may accept heard this one afore but eight glasses of acceptable old baptize can get you on your way to young, advantageous and aglow skin!